Freelance App and Web Developer

Nottingham, Leicester, Derby, Remote

8years digital agency experience

Phonophonbia Pal
Sound School For Dogs
Local MP Near Me
Wintech Racing
Brompton Bike Hire

Tom Saunders

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Why don't you drop me an email with your details and I'll get back to you with an estimate
That's great news, you've come to the right place
Hi, I'm looking for a freelance developer to make my app and website


Allowing people to reserve a bike from over 60 docks all over the country. The app was built using React Native, connected to a backend API which managed authentication, communications with the docks and live updates.


In App Fraud Prevention using Onfido Platform

Experian ID Verification
Opera CRM
Prima Software
Salesforce CRM


Brompton Bike Hire

Using Laravel to create bespoke APIs that work with the App, B2B Website and External Services


Wintech Racing

This next generation website was built with Gatsby and GraphQL using Wordpress as the content management system. It’s super fast and SEO friendly.

Blog Posts

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Open for Business

As of January 2022 I will be taking on new clients for App and Web Development.